The West Balcatta Primary School P&C Association promotes the interests of the school through:
Our Meeting Schedule
Hybrid meetings are held on the third Monday of every term commencing at 7:00pm in the school staffroom and online. Dates are advertised through the P&C Facebook page and school Connect messages. All parents and community members are weclome to attend.
The P&C association is made up of West Balcatta parent volunteers. Our executive roles include:
Our P&C has two subcommittees:
The executives are supported by the broader P&C community who provide their input at P&C meetings, implement initiatives and volunteer at events. If you would like to join, please email to get the latest information or come along to a meeting. Click on the Facebook link below and join the West Balcatta Primary School P&C page to find out about our recent and upcoming events!
The canteen is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunchtime and is run by the canteen manager, Emma Hough, and parent volunteers.
Orders can be made via the Spriggy app or over the counter.
If you would like to volunteer in the canteen please email We would love to hear from you.
Click on the links below to access the minutes from the P&C meetings: